Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Closet Playroom

Our home has some big closets under the eves of the roof.  There are 3 that are each about 4' x 11'.  One of which is in the baby's room.  And now that she is less of a baby and more of a toddler, i thought it was good time to make it into a nice playroom for her. 

I'd already started the process a bit, by clearing out random items we stored in there, like luggage and such, and having some of her bigger toys in there. But i cleared it out even more and did a few updates to make it more playful. 



These extra deep shelves stored lots of things, like future sizes of her clothes, but also stuff like rolls of wrapping paper and mailing supplies. I moved all those out before getting started, except, of course, for the light fixture i planned to install. I replaced a small one-bulb fixture with a track light system.

We had lots of haning clothes to sort out, much of which has been out grown. So i paired that down and now it all fits on this one short rod.


I switched out the deep shelves for narrower ones.  The higher one is just outside her grasp, so i'm debating lowering it, or just leaving because she'll grow in a few months.

 I hung up this mirror - thought it would be fun for making faces, or dress up.

 Picked up these book shelves at the target dollar spot, and this fun toy camper at a rummage sale last fall. I'm not sure she is loving it though, so i may keep my eyes peeled for a little baby sized reading chair she can have in here instead - rummage season is upon us!!!

 Love this sweet avocado painting (painted years ago by my most lovely cousin Julie) for the play kitchen area! very on theme.

There are a few more updates to do - there are lots of paint touch ups, which, let's be honest, will likely never happen.  But also i found some cute little posters to decorate the walls.  They were a bit bent (they are from a rummage sale!) so i've got to press them flat before i hang them up.